Atlantic Immigration Program

Atlantic Immigration Program

This program is specifically designed for employers seeking to directly employ qualified Foreign Nationals without having to go through the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process.  Employers make a direct offer of employment to a selected candidate.  Once the candidate accepts the offer, the employer connects them to settlement service providers (designated organizations).  After conducting a thorough needs assessment, the settlement service provider develops a settlement plan for the candidate and their dependents (if applicable).


If the employer has an urgent need to fill their vacancy, they may choose to offer employment to the candidate through a temporary work permit.  It is the responsibility of the candidate to apply for the work permit.  Requirements for the temporary work permit application include, but are not limited to, a valid job offer and a letter from the Province where the job is located.  In addition, the candidate must also confirm their intent that he/she would apply for permanent residence status within 90 days after the application for the temporary work permit.


Eligibility criteria for Atlantic Immigration Program:


  • The candidate must have work experience that qualifies them for the position. However, if the candidate is a graduate student from a post-secondary institution in any part of Atlantic Canada, he/she does not need to prove qualifying work experience
  • The candidate must meet the educational criteria set by the program
  • The candidate must meet the language criteria as set by the program
  • Unless living and working within Canada, the candidate must prove that he/she and their dependants have sufficient settlement funds

Click here for more information on the Atlantic Immigration Program.  


Contact us for an assessment.